Mosaic User Satisfaction Survey
2022-23 Results
Written by Rebecca Smith, Business Growth Manager
September 2023

(Image credit: Gerd Altmann)
The results are in from our latest user satisfaction survey and we are thrilled to share what our users had to say about their experiences using the Mosaic platform for initial teacher education and its impact on their roles.
Surveys were sent to: trainees (pre-service teachers); mentors (based in the placement schools); and course provider staff (e.g. directors, administrators, tutors, course leads, etc.). Whilst each group typically use Mosaic in different ways, they are all working towards a shared goal – the positive progression of each initial teacher trainee to become a qualified, confident and successful teacher.
We want Mosaic to help make these journeys as streamlined and as effective as possible: to cutdown on unnecessary workload; to encourage highly reflective critical practice; to strengthen high quality mentoring and coaching; and to ultimately facilitate a shared understanding of the course curriculum, trainee progress and their route to success.
The analysis focuses on some key impact and customer experience metrics, including both quantitative and qualitative responses.
We are extremely grateful to all respondents and are delighted to see some really positive results and some great insights into what we can also do better!
What our users said:
Shared understanding
ITE Providers

9/10 reported that Mosaic helped ensure a shared understanding of their curriculum.

8/10 reported that Mosaic helped them to understand their course curriculum.

7/10 reported that Mosaic helped them to understand the ITE provider’s course curriculum.
Over 80% of trainees also reported that Mosaic helped them to understand their training providers’ expectations of them, what they should be focusing on each week and how they were developing as a trainee.

Mentoring effectiveness

Mosaic helped improve the effectiveness of mentoring / tutoring for 73% of mentors / instructors with their trainees.

Mosaic helped improve consistency and quality in mentoring according to 78% and 67% of ITE provider respondents respectively.

Mid Essex ITT
Ease of use

Mosaic is easy to use according to 100% of customer (ITE provider), 87% of trainee and 81% of mentor / instructor respondents.

Exceed SCITT

North Essex Teacher Training

Exceed SCITT


ITE provider respondents reported that Mosaic helped reduce staff workload.

Mentor / instructor respondents (excluding those new to the role) reported that Mosaic helped reduce their workload.

“Workload reduced”


Platform Quality

Mid Essex ITT

University of Warwick

Monitoring / Progress tracking

North Essex Teacher Training

Customer Support

Plymouth Marjon University

Essex Primary SCITT

Mid Essex ITT
“Responsive support and guidance on how we can improve what we put on the platform.”

Prestolee SCITT


Havering Teacher Training Programme
meant everything was in one place."

Essex Primary SCITT
Overall Satisfaction

88% of trainee and 80% of mentor/ instructor respondents rated their overall experience of using Mosaic as ‘Excellent’ or ‘Good’.

Mid Essex ITT

Best Practice Network

Prestolee Academy Trust SCITT
Recommendations >> Improvements
We are on a mission to deliver the best user experience possible and welcome all the really positive feedback on what Mosaic does well, together with the constructive feedback on how we can further improve our platform and services.
Please find below some of the key enhancement areas we have identified from the survey feedback and how we are taking forward recommendations for improvement:
Saving work

Exceed SCITT
Prompts to save updates have been added in more places on Mosaic and will now appear in all new features by default.

Navigation improvements are already in motion with more coming to make it easier to know what to do at a glance. For example, just this week we released Global Search for trainees, allowing admins to now search across Cohorts to find a specific trainee.
Additionally, navigation menus have been reorganised and simplified – now split into three core areas for trainees – Course, Development and Review.

The Files area now has breadcrumbs to make it easier to navigate and we have also introduced alternative locations for file upload, e.g. Course Activities. In fact, we recommend using the Files area only when none of the other areas are appropriate.
Tip: OneDrive or Google Drive are typically integrated with Mosaic, automatically syncing documents saved in Mosaic with those in a trainee’s OneDrive or Google Drive and vice versa, and allow for key word searches across files.
Course activities

George Abbot
“More flexibility in where and in what format you can upload content.”

Course Activities is a new feature now live with flexible assignments for trainees (e.g. anything from a short reflective task to an extended project), with tools to ask trainees to feedback in multiple ways, easy engagement monitoring and a built-in review process to feedback to trainees and provide grading. Trainees can upload their documents directly into the course activity.


Watch this space – we will be building out the infrastructure to support a live notifications system that will support many types of notifications for different users.
Tip: Already you can automate reminder emails for all your review points and use Training Plan to ensure trainees know exactly what’s required of them week-to-week.
Mentor Training

“More training and clear expectations for mentor teachers.”

We have recently launched our newest core feature – Mentor Training, which lets providers curate their own mentor training modules, define competency frameworks, embed external videos/links and monitor engagement. So mentors can now access their training and engage with their trainees all in the same place.
Do you think Mosaic could help your ITE provision?
Mosaic is designed with blended and remote learning in mind, to help align centre-based and school-based learning, fostering high-quality mentoring and critical reflective practice. It seeks to facilitate enhanced transparency and drastically cut unnecessary workload associated with monitoring processes and assessment points, through innovative EdTech.
If you would like to take a look at the platform please get in touch.